Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Photography :)

The little girl with the wooden doll.
This picture was taken in Cuba in 1959 by Alberto Diaz Gutierrez Korda, it shows a little girl holding a piece of wood dressed with paper cloths.
This picture was taken when Cuba was going through its hardest moments, people were fighting for their freedom, and to put an end to Capitalism in the country. Cuba was going through poverty and hunger (her dirty clothes are a prove of this; also the spots of dirt on her adorable cheeks). This photo shows how sweet children can be, how they can find the good in the bad, how even though she didn't have any toys, a simple piece of wood could replace any toy, and any doll. The smallest thing can bring happiness to a child, it just takes a little bit of imagination.
This picture is black and white, and it accentuates the sad look on the little girls face, everything else is blurry, and the picture focus on the little girl only and the "doll' she is holding.

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